About CRN Bands
This site is run by the Council Rock Band Parent Association which is a non-profit corporation dedicated to supporting the instrumental music program at Council Rock North High School. The band program consists of:
- Marching Band Program
- Symphonic Band
- Concert Band
- Jazz Bands
- Winter Guard
- Indoor Drumline
Our mission is to educate students, in cooperation with the family and community, to have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to achieve their potential as socially responsible, lifelong learners in a diverse and changing society.
Music is an integral part of a comprehensive education. It enables all students to discover and develop their artistic potential through musical experiences in listening, performing, analyzing, moving and creating. Musical experiences enhance the student’s quality of life through heightened aesthetic awareness, healthy social relationships and fun! Music incorporates understanding from all disciplines and leads to an improved self-concept, a broader cultural awareness, and a development of life-long skills.
Wayne Bishop, Director: wbishop@crsd.org
Larry Trimble, Color Guard Instructor: crnorthguard@gmail.com
Webmaster: crnbandwebmaster@gmail.com

“Did you know that every time musicians pick up their instruments, there are fireworks going off all over their brain?”
Click here to learn more about the value of participating in Marching Band